Tuesday, July 31, 2007


OKAY, so one of my brothers is in need of some help. He's living in his vehicle which isn't good at all and illegal in many states and his car doesn't even run. So my husband and I have offered him a plane ticket to kansas for him to live with us for a little while. I don't know how well this will work out but I know that he deserves a fresh start in life. We've all been through a lot with our father being in prison. And his poor mother is a drug addict. So I know he's had a rough start and a rough life and everyone deserves a fresh start and to get back on their feet and headed in the right direction. Even though my husband and I don't have a lot of money we're pulling through and buying him a plane ticket and welcoming him to our SMALL home. I haven't even seen any of my brothers or sister in 13 years and one day I was looking through myspace and figured maybe I would look for them and see...well I have at least found my 3 brothers, and we've been talking and it's been great getting to know them again. They are only my half brothers and my half sister but to us we're still family and we're just brothers and sisters.
He'll be flying in around August 17th. Which is coming up very fast.
So Wish Us Luck Cause We're Going To Need It.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Just Wanted To Show Some Art

Here is one of her art work pieces. I will also post a new art work every week so stay tuned.