Monday, October 29, 2007

My Mistake

okay so we all make mistakes right?!?! well hubby called the bank today and turns out it was one of no bro didn't use the card...DAMN!!!!!! i mean...ummm....i dont know what i mean. But anyways, hubby and i were talking last night before bed and we were going to talk to bro today...well we were going to demand 50 twice a thats 100 extra coming in until 400 is paid...and we're asking 30 for groceries and gas for the vehicle together and we knew bro would put up a fight but we just got done talking to him a few mins ago and he's just fine with this...and he better be lucky that he is cuz if he wasn't he would have been outta here. I think he knows we're tired of this shit and now its his turn to play ball in our this week we'll get 50 and after this week it'll be 80 twice a month...YAY!!!! WOOO HOO :) it's about time something went right with this whole situation...
anyways i'll post more when he gets paid and see if he actually does keep his word...

Sunday, October 28, 2007


okay so yesterday my brother watched the kids while me and hubby went grocery shopping and we were gone quite longer than we were anticipating to be we got mcdonalds last night and even got some for my brother cuz we're nice people...and we spent 30 freakin bucks...okay so last night i looked and everything that we did grocery shopping wise went through ...and i just checked on our online bank this morning i woke up and looked on there looking for the gas i did last night for the van and the mcdonalds ...well...there was a post on there from mcdonalds but it was for 5.35 and had today's date on it...10/28/07....and last night hubby left his wallet and keys out on my showcase in the front room..plain as day...and who's to say that he didn't take the card and take the vehicle and get mcdonalds?!?! we were sleeping...but the only other thing that could happen is that mcdonalds screwed up on charging us...but on the reciept it says they charged our card the 30 i dont think they screwed hubby will be calling the bank tomorrow to find out whats going on and what time the person went to mcdonalds and which card was used...cuz if it was MY card then yes they screwed up on charging me BUT if it was hubby's card...then someone else fucking used it....and if i find out that he fucking used my fucking card...he's fucking GONE...i'm packing his shit and kicking him the fuck out...It will be OVER....
look for the update tomorrow night when i find out cuz i'll be working all day tomorrow and i'm calling on my lunch break to find out who did what...
so please check back tomorrow !! thanks

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Tired Of BRO!!!!!!!!

okay so its been nice that he's found a few friends at work to party with and hang out with at night. I shouldn't complain correct?! and he has a job. What more could i ask for right?! well, there's tons of shit i can ask for that he doesn't consider doing...he still doesn't help out with housework and sleeps until whenever and expects me and hubby to wake him up for work. He has no idea or concept of the real world or how it runs/works. And I'm really tired of it. Hubby and I were talking and I think we are going to see if he's going to stay in kansas for awhile or if he's moving back home. The other night he told us that he was goign to stay here for awhile and maybe live here. Well thats great i dont really give a shit on what he does as long as he stays outta my hair. So i think we are going to talk to him...if he's going to stay in kansas for awhile we are going to give him until first part of dec to find an apartment and roommate to live with and get away from us. And if he's moving back home i'm giving him until the first of Jan. That should be long enough to save up money and shit right?!?!? One can only hope. And he does smoke a lot and not in the house cuz i dont allow it and if he spends all of his money on cigs and all of this other crap thats his fault not ours and he still has to be out in that time frame. I just want him outta my house and let me go about living our lives like we were before he even showed up.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Update On Bro...Good One

Okay So Bro Got A Job Where I Work...Working 12 Hrs A Day, 3 And 4 Days A Week. Making 10.75 Starting Out And Would Have Gotten A Dollar Raise After His 2 Months. And He Lasted A Whole Week And 2 Fucking Days. He Supposidly Hurt His Back (remember he's only 20) And The Work Place Was Going To Move Him Elsewhere In The Factory And They Showed Him Video's Of What He Could Be Doing And He Thought It Looked Boring. So He Just Up And Quit. Hubby And I Gave Him 2 Weeks To Find A Job. His 2 Weeks Was Up On Friday But He Had An Interview On Monday With K-Mart. And He Was Lucky To Get The Job. And Thank God That He Did Because I Told Him Earlier That Week That If He Didn't Find A Job, I Was Kicking Him OUT And Not Paying For His Bus Ticket Back Home. So On Monday I Come Home After Work And Found Out He Got The Job. (Please remember in those 2 weeks there was a lot of fighting going on between me and him and he threatened to get our kids taken away from us and things were NOT pretty)

But Now He's Got A Job Making 6.50 An Hour (pardon me while i laugh) And At Least It's A Job Only If It Is Part-Time. But He Did Make A New Friend Or Two And Is Out Quite A Few Nights Which Is Fucking Awesome. I Enjoy My Time Away From Him And Just With Hubby And Kids.

Posting New Pictures

I guess I will post a new picture every month instead of every week. I can't keep up with it every week and I post when I can as it is now. So, every month please check back for the picture of the month.

Snow Queen Is This Week's New Photo